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​Hunts are the best way to discover places in Second Life. they are also the most funny way to receive gifts.

You will find here some details of our SL10B Hunt.

The SL10B Hunt begin at June 15 

An intersim hunt. But easy... Find our flower, and take your gift. You see? It's easy! 

The flower was build by Ama  Avro. Thanks to her! Her market link here

Need help? Use our SL Group! :

Bellow you will find some hints and the slurl of the first flower!


1 : We are very kind with you for the first flower !

Here is the SLURL :

For the next flowers… In each flower you will find a Gift, and a Landmark !
And here… a hint !

2. Look up to the stars

3. sometimes I sting .... but if you take me with kindness, I would be the prettiest petals .....

4. High Scotland

5. The flower loves to be with other flowers

6. In the most beautiful theaters sometimes a flower grows ....

7. Near a lovers corner, with my big sisters

8. Help feeding a smile

9. here goes softly, goes safely

10. This black bird will keep my gift safe


12. "At the Momoiro cafe ... a flower and some sweets"

13. Nothing is more relaxing than lounging by the water and listen to the birds singing ...

14. Pink surf!

15. My flower and Feed a Smile meet together, on a bridge.

16. In the shade of a tree next to a "great symbol"

17. A flower say hello on the beach!

18. 29th Street...I am near the sleeping woman...Don't forget to drink Coca-Cola...

19. Punch, strawberries and flower... the ingredients of a good moment

20. « Le fils de Cabu in the garden »

21. Before boarding on the yacht, have a look around

22. Oooh a fish give me water!

23. The eye of the photographer must attract all other

24. It's time to take a drink with "Miss Flower", in the SL10B by Us Bar

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